Monday, June 28, 2010

A Weekend of Firsts.

Friday night a lot of interns went to the Lep (now that I've been here for a while that's what I call the Leopardstown Inn.) I drunkenly took the Luas home to change and ended up buying a really weird veggie sandwich at the local supermarket. Never go grocery shopping drunk - it is a really odd and mind-blowing experience, in a bad way. So Sean met me in town and we met up with the rest of the interns at the Porterhouse (photo of Andrew, Sean and me at the Porterhouse, left.) We ended up at Bruxelles, which is huge and kinda grungy - not exactly my type of place, but I was about four drinks deep, so it wasn't too relevant. I don't even remember how much I had to drink, but I was ridiculously exhausted and just wanted to go home, so Sean and I got a taxi and ended up at his place - shocker! He lives in a really nice apartment near work.
I can honestly say that this was my best sex ever. For the first time in my life I actually felt like I made love (in a non-cheesy way) as opposed to just straight f*cking. It was so great. And we woke up at seven in the morning and just stayed in bed and talked for over two hours. Then we had breakfast while watching Crocodile Hunter reruns and Saturday Kitchen (one of Sean's favorites, apparently) and after that realized how little sleep we had actually gotten so we took a nap. It was really great because it felt like we had been a couple for ages. Things seem so easy with him without being boring. We just have fun together.
Saturday night we went to the Wool Shed to watch the US/Ghana match (depressing) and I wasn't having too much to drink because I was trying to take a break from the night before. Sean was trashed, though. He's a really cute drunk - he gets very giddy and just says really silly things. He ended up giving away that we slept together to everyone (even though I'm 99% sure everyone already knew) because one of the interns, Danny, had undone my bra through my dress (one of his "skills" and definitely the first time anyone has done that to me) and he was telling the other interns about it, and Sean said "Oh yeah, thanks for that. I would've been too drunk to get it myself," and everyone just started cracking up. I was relieved because he didn't seem embarrassed about it at all, and he was actually worried that he had embarrassed me! I was proud if anything - he's a cutie! 
After the match was over we met Danny's gay brother Owen at PantiBar (a drag queen/gay bar) in honor of Gay Pride Weekend and it was so much fun. (photo of me, Sean and Danny at PantiBar to the right.) Sean and I were chatting with everyone and we met this really cool guy from Cork who seemed super-fascinated with us for some reason. He was SO good looking, it's ridiculous - I legitimately could not stop staring at him. So then this other absolutely humongous, muscular gay guy (TJ, I think, was his name) picked me up, wrapped my legs around him, and basically started dry-humping me in front of everyone while standing. And then he turned to Sean, while still doing that, and said "Bet you can't do this to her!" and Sean was like "I twisted my ankle!" and TJ responded, "Excuses, excuses!" It was hilarious. Also a first for me! Surprisingly enough I made the 12:30 Luas home, which was a near-miracle.Sunday I ended up sleeping until 5:00 pm. It was awesome. And that's pretty much it. Sean comes by my desk a lot at work just to talk and it's great. It's nice to click with someone like this.


Unknown said...

In the top pic, the guy in the white in the middle kind of looks like Kevin Pymm don’t cha think?... anyways… forget about the night and great sex.. the morning sounds amazing… and mornings like that are non existant nowadays…. Sounds like sophie is having a great time with men… wish I had such luck… there’s this one good looking guy at my program he’s half Columbian half FINE like hell… but he’s practically engaged and might be a cheater… sucks to be me…
Keep having a blast in my honor… I’m so jealous.

sophster said...

I completely agree- the moring was the best part...
The guy in the white shirt is the one I'm with! He does't really look like Kevin in real life haha, but sortof in the picture.
Aother great thing about Sea is he keeps telling me that he's not in it just for the sex and that he just genuinely loves spending time with me :) I feel so lucky...but I think I deserve it - it's about time this sort of mutual thing happened. Ad Zach is a dick about it...probably jealous haha.
I will keep having a blast, I promise :)
And WTF cheaters suck. Just based o that I know you deserve better. You know that too. Sexiness isn't everything. In my opinion, a good sense of humor is even more important.

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