Monday, June 14, 2010

Sophi's Second-Ever Hangover.

If Joe wasn't across the ocean I would go whoop his behind...
I went to Farrington's (my new favorite) on Saturday to grab a pint and watch the USA-England match. Good fun. I ended up getting beyond hammered because being a girl alone at a bar leads to men buying you drinks. And the downside of men buying you drinks is just that - men buying you drinks: it is hard to refuse a free drink. So I ended up drinking my ass off with two law students from Chicago who are doing some sort of four-week program in Dublin and a German anesthesiologist! The bartender knows my name, too, even though I've only been there twice! He (Peter) thinks I'm "a total charmer" and when he was on break he took me to the Garage Bar down the street and bought me a drink. A bartender bought me a drink at another bar - I'm livin the life! So we were having a pint and then I realized I didn't have my wallet and I freaked. Peter told me he'd stay at the bar and that I should go back to Farrington's and check to see if it was there, and, by some miracle - it was! The German anesthesiologist found it on the floor! Lucky me!
We finished our drinks and went back to Farrington's where I met two guys who looked pretty melancholy and made some conversation with them. Then I met a bald guy who teaches "special" kids for a living and we all ended up going to some bar/club called Shebeen where I ended up making out with the bald's really been a lifelong dream of mine to make out with a shaved/balding guy. Just kidding. Except not really. I actually had a huge crush on a bald (he actually just shaved his head...but most likely because he was balding) English teacher when I was in high school and this guy looked a lot much like him. Sadly nothing ever happened with the English teacher. I like to think it was because he had a really sexy Korean girlfriend and not because I was underage or something. He brought her to our prom, I was super jealous. I was actually always crushing on teachers in school. But there aren't really any hot professors that I've had in college. Minus a certain Psychology teacher that I sincerely hope Joe will tell you about. It's one of his favorite stories.
So then Shebeen's was closing so Dave (bald guy) and I walked out with our pints, no joke. We accidentally stole pint glasses from a bar. It would have been pretty legendary if I brought that glass back to the US with me, but sadly I have no room whatsoever in my suitcase. It's a rite of passage of sorts - stealing things from public venues, isn't it? Like stealing silverware form the school cafeteria, or something.
Dave told me he was really impressed with my kissing skills because he expected me to be "a crazy, sloppy American kisser," whatever that means. I didn't let him walk me home; I've gotten very good at saying no, here. Being in a foreign country on my own has made me develop a different persona. I'm fearless and independent and funnier. And mentally sexier, basically.
Total drinks for the night: 5 pints, 1 shot (a
Baby Guinness.)
In the morning I legitimately could not get out of bed. I felt so sick. This was my second hangover, ever. The first one happened on Valentine's Day (what luck!) after I had too much "pink drank" at a frat formal. Silly me thought it was vodka diluted with pink lemonade. Turns out it's actually straight vodka with pink lemonade mix. Never again. I legitimately thought I had mono when I woke up. I texted every guy I had hooked up with recently asking if he had mono. Had a good laugh when I figured out it was just a hangover.
But anyways, when I finally got out of bed Sunday afternoon I went into the city to grab some lunch (a super delicious tomato, mozzarella & pesto panini) and all was well.
Needless to say, I love Ireland.


Unknown said...

Sophi. It sounds like you're taking Ireland by the horns... (is that expression allowed?)... anyways, I'm proud of you for enjoying it and trying out new things... and new men...:D .. wish I was more like that, you know, just went with the flow. Keep being awesome and having a blast. Can't wait for your next post I really enjoyed reading these. Later take care lots, Joe too. :)
-your one and only follower! Cin<3

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