Monday, June 21, 2010

Some Saturday & Monday Insanity.

It was necessary to split this weekend into two posts because so much went down.
On Saturday I went to the AIB Street Perfomance World Festival with two interns (Sean and Andrew.)

It was bleeping fantastic. Partly because the acts were great, but also because I have a huge crush on Sean. He's kindof ridiculously sexy and lovable. Our favorite act was this guy named Sam Wills. He's pretty much a crazy and hilarious motherf*cker from New Zealand. He blew up a rubber glove with his nose on his head (left) and shoved his body through a tennis racquet by dislocating his shoulder (below) and also swung a glass of orange juice around on a chain inside of a pool triangle rack without spilling it. Oh and he juggled two fiery batons and a super-sharp machete, which he then used to slice a cucumber on a man's naked stomach without cutting him. This guy was frickin' awesome. And really funny, too.
So after that, Andrew, Sean and I went to a pub off of Grafton Street called Sinnott's to grab a few pints and watch the World Cup (I forget who was playing.) Danny (another intern) joined us after a little while and we all got pretty drunk together and I'm pretty certain that I not-so-bluntly mentioned to Sean that we were going to sleep together at some point. I'm quite good with the lads. I would be embarassed, but I'm actually pretty sure he has a teensy crush on me, so no worries. Drunk me often has the guts to go over the top and do what sober me dreams of doing, thus helping sober me out. Sometimes drunk me gets a little too retarded, but she does more good than harm, so all is well.
After a considerable amount of drinking, Danny said his brother was having a house party and we all took a taxi down to God-knows-where (I think somewhere near Dundrum.) It was a really nice place owned by Danny's gay brother and his boyfriend. The boyfriend kept telling us about how Danny's brother (I forget both of their names, to be perfectly honest) paid for him to get his teeth bleached and was showing us photos of him flashing his pearly whites. Danny's brother was so drunk that I legitimately thought he had an accent because he was mumbling so much! It was hilarious.
I ended up taking a taxi home at four in the morning, and it was crazy because it was pretty much light out already. It gets light very early and dark very late. Today is actually the longest day of the year! I think it's something like 18 hours of light? Craziness. So I passed out and basically stayed in all day Sunday. It was pretty boring.
Today, however, was quite exciting, surprisingly enough. Basically everyone in the office, particularly interns, chat on Office Communicator all day. So Ash IMs me, and starts talking about getting together soon. And I was a little put off by it because he seemed to be getting a little too pushy. It went pretty much like this (this is a sort of highlight reel):
"tonight why dont you head up to yours, go get your laptop or hard disk, then come back to mine then exchange music :) " I told him I wanted to get some sleep tonight and he suggested we do it tomorrow and basically started hinting at us sleeping together.
So I said something like "Watch yourself, " and then I said something along the lines of "not being that type of girl."
"i think you're awesome, alright? you're smart and ambitious. and how good mates are we gonna be if we just hang out for a week and never see each other again?plus i have a huge cock"
WHAT THE BLEEPING HELL? So I got really mad at him and basically told him to go f*ck himself, but slightly more politely. He didn't say anything. Ten minutes later he asked me if I wanted to meet for some coffee because he felt bad or something like that and wanted to redeem himself. I told him I already had coffee (I really did.) So what does he do? Runs down to my floor, apologizes really effing loudly, says"I hope we're cool," puts a cupcake on my desk, and runs away. So that was that.
Sean came by my desk before leaving for yet another soccer game with his friends, and we chatted for a while and he invited me to come along with him and some friends on Saturday to watch matches at a pub (there are three big games on that day.) I know that starting drinking at three in the afternoon can't possibly end well, but I'm going for it anyway, because that's how I do around here. Oh, and apparently the Gay Pride Parade is on this weekend, and Danny's brother really wants us all to go. Sean said he would rather watch the games but that he would definitely go to their gay bingo night one of these days, and that he was bringing me to that, as well! Apparently the bingo nights are awesome, so I'm looking forward to it. Oh and he also told me that Danny's brother has photos of me passed out in Sean's lap  while sitting on a bar stool(and even though I don't really remember that: SCORE!) Now that, my friends, is skill. Sigh. Sean is so damn cute. And so easy to talk to. And sortof leaks sexiness into the air.


Unknown said...

OMG! I love your alter persona... and I'm wondering what would drunk Cinthya do?.. probably something crazy i'd regret for the rest of my life.. he he and the guy sounds a little desperate but at least he tried to redeem himself from douche baggery by the cupcake.. it's a start... by the way... i love the last line... i didn't know a person was capable of leaking sexiness into the air... who woulda thought... lol :D

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