Monday, June 21, 2010

Recap of Thursday & Friday. My New Go-To Phrase : "Why not?"

The company I'm interning for hosted a barbecue on Thursday after work and most of the people there were interns (because there was free food and booze) so I finally made some friends close my age (although most of them are 21-28.) I drank about three glasses of good red wine. It was wonderful. What's so great about this company is that no one cares about any sort of formalities outside of work, so interns and managers alike were just getting happily drunk together and not giving a crap about saying potentially inappropriate things.
Most of the interns here are male (about a 10:1 ratio - definitely something to be excited about) and some of them are very cute. One of them is a red-haired, cute but nerdy guy who everyone calls Ash (22), and the other is a very sexy and very fit guy named Sean (25) and coincidentally, they're both British. How did that happen? One has red hair and the other's name starts with an O'... I don't know if that can be considered a fail.
So everyone was getting pretty trashed at the BBQ, but Sean had to leave early because he plays soccer with some of his friends most nights of the week. So Ash and I hung out and then went to the Leopardstown Inn with a bunch of other interns after the BBQ. It's a really cool pub/bar/whatever it is. It even has a rotating bar! That must get pretty confusing as the night goes on! So we had a drink and then Ash walked me to the Luas stop because it was nearly midnight, and we ended up making out a little bit.
The conversation went like this (after he leaned in a little too close):
"Are you trying to make out with me?"
"Is it working?"
"Well only because you're a British ginger."
And that was that. He's a pretty good-looking guy, seemed nice enough, so why not? He wasn't a great kisser, though, so that wasn't too fun.  But whatever, he can learn, right? Here's a photo of us at the BBQ.
So on Friday he asked me out...and I, once again, thought: why not? So we went into the Dublin city center together and ended up going to the Central Porterhouse Bar, which is hosted by the Porterhouse Brewing Company and brews all their own stuff. So, in spirit of that, I ordered one of their beers (even though I don't really like beer), called the Temple Brau,which was actually not half-bad. While watching the UK/Algeria match we started talking to two really interesting Italian men David and Stefano (in their 40s & 60s, respectively) and after a while they said they were going to go for dinner and asked if we would like to join them. Ash and I were pretty hungry and decided to go with it, since the men seemed really interesting. So we go to this Italian place (Dunne & Crescenzi) where all the waiters knew David and Stefano. Instead of the looking at the menu I just asked them to order for me, since they clearly knew better than I did. So they ordered an absolutely delicious ravioli for me that was filled with ricotta and mushrooms and in this cream sauce with walnuts. All I can say about that is : holycrapyummyness. You seriously have to go there if you're in Dublin. Then Stefano ordered some amazing wine that the waiter said he knew nothing about, and Stefano said: "Trust me, you'll have it."
So we had a glass or so of that...which was possibly the greatest red wine that I have ever had in my life. Sigh. The Italians really know what they're doing! When I asked them what they did for a living they told me that they robbed banks together, and when I asked them seriously they mentioned that they were in the restaurant business but were very vague about it, like they were just starting a restaurant or something. After a little while David's "very Irish girlfriend" as he called her, Tanya, joined us and had some wine. After we were finished eating it was really dark outside (it was nearly 11 pm, I think - it gets dark very late here) and everyone got up without ever getting the bill, and I asked if we were going to pay and Stefano laughed and shrugged it off. I thanked him and assumed that they knew him very well at the restaurant and that they would just put it on his tab or something like that. So then Stefano said he was going to turn in for the night, but David and Tanya invited us to come to a nightclub with them. Ash and I were going to go to Temple Bar but they kept trying to get us to go to the club, so I said - you guessed it - Why not? So we go to this club called Lillie's Bordello, which is supposedly the most exclusive club in Dublin (probably in all of Ireland, actually) and David was on the VIP list, so we got our hands stamped with glow-in-the-dark ink to indicate that we were VIPs. It was awesome. I was worried that we would be under-dressed but no one was that dressed up, surprisingly. it was still a little too posh for my taste, but who am I to complain? I kept trying to buy a round for everyone because I felt bad for not paying for anything, but David said: "What - you think I can't afford it?" and laughed... So we had some beers and I chatted with Tanya, and I asked her what Stefano and David really do and she said: "What - they didn't tell you? They own that restaurant we were at, and then some more around the city. They don't really like to talk about it, I suppose. Modest lads." No wonder! Stefano is the Stefano Crescenzi of Dunne & Crescenzi, as I just found out by looking at the website. Wow. That was so nice of him to take us out knowing that we wouldn't be paying for it. I guess he thought we were good company! Below is a photo of Tanya, David, me and Ash.
Shortly after that we thought it was time to go (I was basically falling asleep and it was nearing 3:00 am) and since we had missed the last Luas by a good two and a half hours, Ash walked me home. He decided to be forward again and just go in for the kill. And this time, wasn't going to have it. After two seconds of that sloppy tongue-ing I pulled away and said, "I'm going to have to teach you a few things. Goodnight." And he looked confused, so I explained to him that I preferred gentle kissing, some attention to the lips, etc. And you know what he said? "Just open your mouth wider, you'll like it." Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is, word for word, what he said. I just turned around and walked into the B&B because that wasn't going to happen. Boys say the oddest things sometimes. Oh, and the guy who said that my hair smelled like a waterfall recently messaged me the following: "Sophi- It was a pity we couldn't meet at the weekend, if you still wanna I still wanna." So smooth. So, so smooth.
Recap of Saturday to follow.


Unknown said...

My my... sophie... where to even start. The fact that in every picture there's a cute boy by your side.. or the fact that Dublin seems like 'the' place to be. And i'm realizing that no matter where in the world you go, boys will always be stupid and say odd things. But the restaurant owner seems amazing. You also look good in your pictures so keep up the happiness and adventures. it's totally you... love you lots and take care. :)

sophster said...

Thanks girl :)
Dublin is pretty amazing! What's cool about it is that it's a city with a small town feel. The restaurant owners were both totally badass.
I'll be sure to keep having adventures - just for you haha. I miss you.

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