Monday, June 28, 2010

Work Flings.

Being involved in an office romance makes me feel very adult. It also leads to some funny exchanges in Office Communicator:
Sean: your bottom is lookin lovely today lol
Sophi: haha thank you very much.. i like your shirt but it might look better on me...haven't decided...
Sean: haha it smells of you a little bit
Sophi: hope that's a good thing hahah
Sean: well if i wore it with no pants on like you did i will most certainly look better...actually i probably wouldn't. and yes, it is.

Hehe he wore the shirt I wore the morning after we slept together :)
He's taking me to dinner on Wednesday at some restaurant that is supposed to be really good. Looking forward to it! Thursday night I'll be going out with my boss, Marie, again. I'm very excited for that as well, especially since I can update her on the whole Sean thing, since she told me to live to the fullest.
I wonder what it is about work flings that is so appealing. I suppose it's the fact that it takes a good amount of self-control not to straddle one another in the middle of the work place - which makes you want to all the more. And it's a game of sorts: pretending nothing is going on. It's a thrill. It's about footsie under the table at lunch and discreetly grazing one another's hands. It's really quite lovely.

A Weekend of Firsts.

Friday night a lot of interns went to the Lep (now that I've been here for a while that's what I call the Leopardstown Inn.) I drunkenly took the Luas home to change and ended up buying a really weird veggie sandwich at the local supermarket. Never go grocery shopping drunk - it is a really odd and mind-blowing experience, in a bad way. So Sean met me in town and we met up with the rest of the interns at the Porterhouse (photo of Andrew, Sean and me at the Porterhouse, left.) We ended up at Bruxelles, which is huge and kinda grungy - not exactly my type of place, but I was about four drinks deep, so it wasn't too relevant. I don't even remember how much I had to drink, but I was ridiculously exhausted and just wanted to go home, so Sean and I got a taxi and ended up at his place - shocker! He lives in a really nice apartment near work.
I can honestly say that this was my best sex ever. For the first time in my life I actually felt like I made love (in a non-cheesy way) as opposed to just straight f*cking. It was so great. And we woke up at seven in the morning and just stayed in bed and talked for over two hours. Then we had breakfast while watching Crocodile Hunter reruns and Saturday Kitchen (one of Sean's favorites, apparently) and after that realized how little sleep we had actually gotten so we took a nap. It was really great because it felt like we had been a couple for ages. Things seem so easy with him without being boring. We just have fun together.
Saturday night we went to the Wool Shed to watch the US/Ghana match (depressing) and I wasn't having too much to drink because I was trying to take a break from the night before. Sean was trashed, though. He's a really cute drunk - he gets very giddy and just says really silly things. He ended up giving away that we slept together to everyone (even though I'm 99% sure everyone already knew) because one of the interns, Danny, had undone my bra through my dress (one of his "skills" and definitely the first time anyone has done that to me) and he was telling the other interns about it, and Sean said "Oh yeah, thanks for that. I would've been too drunk to get it myself," and everyone just started cracking up. I was relieved because he didn't seem embarrassed about it at all, and he was actually worried that he had embarrassed me! I was proud if anything - he's a cutie! 
After the match was over we met Danny's gay brother Owen at PantiBar (a drag queen/gay bar) in honor of Gay Pride Weekend and it was so much fun. (photo of me, Sean and Danny at PantiBar to the right.) Sean and I were chatting with everyone and we met this really cool guy from Cork who seemed super-fascinated with us for some reason. He was SO good looking, it's ridiculous - I legitimately could not stop staring at him. So then this other absolutely humongous, muscular gay guy (TJ, I think, was his name) picked me up, wrapped my legs around him, and basically started dry-humping me in front of everyone while standing. And then he turned to Sean, while still doing that, and said "Bet you can't do this to her!" and Sean was like "I twisted my ankle!" and TJ responded, "Excuses, excuses!" It was hilarious. Also a first for me! Surprisingly enough I made the 12:30 Luas home, which was a near-miracle.Sunday I ended up sleeping until 5:00 pm. It was awesome. And that's pretty much it. Sean comes by my desk a lot at work just to talk and it's great. It's nice to click with someone like this.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lingerie & Lounging Around.

Zach, the intern with the dinosaur tattoo, told me there was a ridiculous sale going on at a lingerie shop (Ann Summers) and that he planned on going, so I should join him. He doesn't have a girlfriend - he just wanted to buy it because it was on sale. I am at a loss.I stayed out until nearly half past midnight the night before because I finally had dinner with my lovely boss, Marie. We went to the Gotham CafĂ© off of Grafton Street (delicious an reasonably-priced, by the way) and followed that up with drinks at Whelan's (left). Whelan's is a big live music venue, and there are concerts upstairs every night, as far as I know. We stayed downstairs, but could hear the music anyway, which was cool since we didn't even have to pay for it. The band even played "The Weight," which was great. Marie and I both sang along and I knew I had an old soul when I knew more of the words than she did. Mission accomplished. It was a truly wonderful evening. We had very open, earnest conversation, and it felt like we were friends. We talked about everything and really enjoyed each other's company.
Anyway, Zach and I ended up going into town for the lingerie sale, even though I was obscenely tired and already have a ridiculous amount of lingerie. Supposedly it's one of the nicer lingerie stores in the city, but the quality and design just doesn't compare to the stuff I'm used to like Victoria's Secret or Betsey Johnson. It just all seemed very tacky to me. It also doubles as somewhat of a sex shop: there was literally a tube of lubricant called "Pussy Lube," which just made me cringe. Isn't there a nicer way of advertising? I mean, really, who would buy something that was so openly crude? Sigh. Where has romance gone? 
We didn't end up buying anything, but Zach said he was going to come back this weekend. Good for him, I suppose. After that we got some sandwiches and laid on the grass in St. Stephen's Green (a photo I took of some tulips in the Green below) until after eight and talked about everything from zombie movies to the stupid emo kids who were sitting next to us (and kept calling each other perverts and setting things on fire.) One of their conversations was as follows:
"You are such a pervert."
"How am I a pervert?! I just said 'Fallopian Tubes', which doesn't make me a pervert."
Overall, it was an evening well spent. We get along great. He finally admitted that my stream of consciousness verbal diarrhea that I mask as conversation is actually quite endearing, and that it has grown on him. HA! I charmed the resident jerk with my endless spillage of internal monologue. I feel quite wonderful about our friendship, really. Zach is very interesting and we can argue about things without getting angry. It's all friendly banter, really. Our dynamic is similar to the kind that Joe and I have. I miss Joe. I feel bad for annoying him about writing on here - he is so busy with work and summer classes and everything.
I wanted to write in here before the weekend because today the craziness begins. Right after work I'm going to the Leopardstown Inn with Sean and some other interns. After that is a goodbye party at the Porterhouse for the interns who finish working here today (including Ash) so that should be quite fun. I've heard that when there's a plan to go pub/bar-hopping, that no one usually makes it out of the first venue. But I hope we do, because I am in the mood to go into town. Hopefully Ash isn't too awkward. I'll do my best to be nice. I'll stick with Sean or Zach. Apparently Ash and Zach are friends, actually, because Zach brought up feeling guilty about hanging out with me because of Ash...unnecessary drama much?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

About Soft, Gooey Centers.

[this super-scrumptiously beautiful photo was stolen from this site:]
I've always liked to think that people who have a tough exterior are secretly really kind (have a soft, gooey center, so to speak.) I've mostly thought this about "tough guys" and that's always been their appeal: to find the caramel filling, to be the only one to find it. That's why bad boys are so great, isn't it? They keep things interesting by presenting you with an unattainable goal. Sadly, I've been wrong a lot regarding the secret soft spot. It's probably been my fault, too - but today I was finally right! I met this guy at the BBQ at work who seemed like a total jerk. He kept making rude comments about me being American or saying other things just for the sake of the insult. I didn't believe that someone could be mean to me without knowing me so I messaged him with some sort of sarcastic comment and we just started talking and found that we had the same favorite YouTube videos, including this absolute classic, and we just hit it off from there. He ended up telling me that he has a tattoo of a dinosaur in a top hat on his shoulder blade that no one at work (but me) knows about. He got it when he was fifteen and according to him it looks terrible.
So it turned out that we both take the Luas home around the same time, so we ended up sitting together and just chatting about random things, having a laugh, etc. It was really great. I ended up going to the St. Stephen's Green stop because I sometimes like to grab dinner in the city center, and he gets off there because he still has to take a bus to get home. He said he had nothing better to do (lucky me) and he knew a good sushi take-out place, so we got some sushi and soup and ate it on a bench on the boardwalk and just looked out at the River Liffey. It was so nice! We just hung out for a couple of hours, talked about lots of interesting stuff and had a good time. It's so cool to know that while Zach can be a bit of a jerk in front of the guys, he's actually really great. And what I like most about him is that he doesn't just eat up everything I say (like a guy who just wants me to like him) and doesn't argue with everything I say,either (like a guy who is trying to impress me with his opinions or whatnot.) He's just himself and it's really refreshing and cool.
On another note, Sean got injured during soccer yesterday. He has a twisted ankle and someone stepped on two of his fingers so they're all bandaged up. He was limping today. Is it weird that this made me want him even more? Probably.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Some Saturday & Monday Insanity.

It was necessary to split this weekend into two posts because so much went down.
On Saturday I went to the AIB Street Perfomance World Festival with two interns (Sean and Andrew.)

It was bleeping fantastic. Partly because the acts were great, but also because I have a huge crush on Sean. He's kindof ridiculously sexy and lovable. Our favorite act was this guy named Sam Wills. He's pretty much a crazy and hilarious motherf*cker from New Zealand. He blew up a rubber glove with his nose on his head (left) and shoved his body through a tennis racquet by dislocating his shoulder (below) and also swung a glass of orange juice around on a chain inside of a pool triangle rack without spilling it. Oh and he juggled two fiery batons and a super-sharp machete, which he then used to slice a cucumber on a man's naked stomach without cutting him. This guy was frickin' awesome. And really funny, too.
So after that, Andrew, Sean and I went to a pub off of Grafton Street called Sinnott's to grab a few pints and watch the World Cup (I forget who was playing.) Danny (another intern) joined us after a little while and we all got pretty drunk together and I'm pretty certain that I not-so-bluntly mentioned to Sean that we were going to sleep together at some point. I'm quite good with the lads. I would be embarassed, but I'm actually pretty sure he has a teensy crush on me, so no worries. Drunk me often has the guts to go over the top and do what sober me dreams of doing, thus helping sober me out. Sometimes drunk me gets a little too retarded, but she does more good than harm, so all is well.
After a considerable amount of drinking, Danny said his brother was having a house party and we all took a taxi down to God-knows-where (I think somewhere near Dundrum.) It was a really nice place owned by Danny's gay brother and his boyfriend. The boyfriend kept telling us about how Danny's brother (I forget both of their names, to be perfectly honest) paid for him to get his teeth bleached and was showing us photos of him flashing his pearly whites. Danny's brother was so drunk that I legitimately thought he had an accent because he was mumbling so much! It was hilarious.
I ended up taking a taxi home at four in the morning, and it was crazy because it was pretty much light out already. It gets light very early and dark very late. Today is actually the longest day of the year! I think it's something like 18 hours of light? Craziness. So I passed out and basically stayed in all day Sunday. It was pretty boring.
Today, however, was quite exciting, surprisingly enough. Basically everyone in the office, particularly interns, chat on Office Communicator all day. So Ash IMs me, and starts talking about getting together soon. And I was a little put off by it because he seemed to be getting a little too pushy. It went pretty much like this (this is a sort of highlight reel):
"tonight why dont you head up to yours, go get your laptop or hard disk, then come back to mine then exchange music :) " I told him I wanted to get some sleep tonight and he suggested we do it tomorrow and basically started hinting at us sleeping together.
So I said something like "Watch yourself, " and then I said something along the lines of "not being that type of girl."
"i think you're awesome, alright? you're smart and ambitious. and how good mates are we gonna be if we just hang out for a week and never see each other again?plus i have a huge cock"
WHAT THE BLEEPING HELL? So I got really mad at him and basically told him to go f*ck himself, but slightly more politely. He didn't say anything. Ten minutes later he asked me if I wanted to meet for some coffee because he felt bad or something like that and wanted to redeem himself. I told him I already had coffee (I really did.) So what does he do? Runs down to my floor, apologizes really effing loudly, says"I hope we're cool," puts a cupcake on my desk, and runs away. So that was that.
Sean came by my desk before leaving for yet another soccer game with his friends, and we chatted for a while and he invited me to come along with him and some friends on Saturday to watch matches at a pub (there are three big games on that day.) I know that starting drinking at three in the afternoon can't possibly end well, but I'm going for it anyway, because that's how I do around here. Oh, and apparently the Gay Pride Parade is on this weekend, and Danny's brother really wants us all to go. Sean said he would rather watch the games but that he would definitely go to their gay bingo night one of these days, and that he was bringing me to that, as well! Apparently the bingo nights are awesome, so I'm looking forward to it. Oh and he also told me that Danny's brother has photos of me passed out in Sean's lap  while sitting on a bar stool(and even though I don't really remember that: SCORE!) Now that, my friends, is skill. Sigh. Sean is so damn cute. And so easy to talk to. And sortof leaks sexiness into the air.

Recap of Thursday & Friday. My New Go-To Phrase : "Why not?"

The company I'm interning for hosted a barbecue on Thursday after work and most of the people there were interns (because there was free food and booze) so I finally made some friends close my age (although most of them are 21-28.) I drank about three glasses of good red wine. It was wonderful. What's so great about this company is that no one cares about any sort of formalities outside of work, so interns and managers alike were just getting happily drunk together and not giving a crap about saying potentially inappropriate things.
Most of the interns here are male (about a 10:1 ratio - definitely something to be excited about) and some of them are very cute. One of them is a red-haired, cute but nerdy guy who everyone calls Ash (22), and the other is a very sexy and very fit guy named Sean (25) and coincidentally, they're both British. How did that happen? One has red hair and the other's name starts with an O'... I don't know if that can be considered a fail.
So everyone was getting pretty trashed at the BBQ, but Sean had to leave early because he plays soccer with some of his friends most nights of the week. So Ash and I hung out and then went to the Leopardstown Inn with a bunch of other interns after the BBQ. It's a really cool pub/bar/whatever it is. It even has a rotating bar! That must get pretty confusing as the night goes on! So we had a drink and then Ash walked me to the Luas stop because it was nearly midnight, and we ended up making out a little bit.
The conversation went like this (after he leaned in a little too close):
"Are you trying to make out with me?"
"Is it working?"
"Well only because you're a British ginger."
And that was that. He's a pretty good-looking guy, seemed nice enough, so why not? He wasn't a great kisser, though, so that wasn't too fun.  But whatever, he can learn, right? Here's a photo of us at the BBQ.
So on Friday he asked me out...and I, once again, thought: why not? So we went into the Dublin city center together and ended up going to the Central Porterhouse Bar, which is hosted by the Porterhouse Brewing Company and brews all their own stuff. So, in spirit of that, I ordered one of their beers (even though I don't really like beer), called the Temple Brau,which was actually not half-bad. While watching the UK/Algeria match we started talking to two really interesting Italian men David and Stefano (in their 40s & 60s, respectively) and after a while they said they were going to go for dinner and asked if we would like to join them. Ash and I were pretty hungry and decided to go with it, since the men seemed really interesting. So we go to this Italian place (Dunne & Crescenzi) where all the waiters knew David and Stefano. Instead of the looking at the menu I just asked them to order for me, since they clearly knew better than I did. So they ordered an absolutely delicious ravioli for me that was filled with ricotta and mushrooms and in this cream sauce with walnuts. All I can say about that is : holycrapyummyness. You seriously have to go there if you're in Dublin. Then Stefano ordered some amazing wine that the waiter said he knew nothing about, and Stefano said: "Trust me, you'll have it."
So we had a glass or so of that...which was possibly the greatest red wine that I have ever had in my life. Sigh. The Italians really know what they're doing! When I asked them what they did for a living they told me that they robbed banks together, and when I asked them seriously they mentioned that they were in the restaurant business but were very vague about it, like they were just starting a restaurant or something. After a little while David's "very Irish girlfriend" as he called her, Tanya, joined us and had some wine. After we were finished eating it was really dark outside (it was nearly 11 pm, I think - it gets dark very late here) and everyone got up without ever getting the bill, and I asked if we were going to pay and Stefano laughed and shrugged it off. I thanked him and assumed that they knew him very well at the restaurant and that they would just put it on his tab or something like that. So then Stefano said he was going to turn in for the night, but David and Tanya invited us to come to a nightclub with them. Ash and I were going to go to Temple Bar but they kept trying to get us to go to the club, so I said - you guessed it - Why not? So we go to this club called Lillie's Bordello, which is supposedly the most exclusive club in Dublin (probably in all of Ireland, actually) and David was on the VIP list, so we got our hands stamped with glow-in-the-dark ink to indicate that we were VIPs. It was awesome. I was worried that we would be under-dressed but no one was that dressed up, surprisingly. it was still a little too posh for my taste, but who am I to complain? I kept trying to buy a round for everyone because I felt bad for not paying for anything, but David said: "What - you think I can't afford it?" and laughed... So we had some beers and I chatted with Tanya, and I asked her what Stefano and David really do and she said: "What - they didn't tell you? They own that restaurant we were at, and then some more around the city. They don't really like to talk about it, I suppose. Modest lads." No wonder! Stefano is the Stefano Crescenzi of Dunne & Crescenzi, as I just found out by looking at the website. Wow. That was so nice of him to take us out knowing that we wouldn't be paying for it. I guess he thought we were good company! Below is a photo of Tanya, David, me and Ash.
Shortly after that we thought it was time to go (I was basically falling asleep and it was nearing 3:00 am) and since we had missed the last Luas by a good two and a half hours, Ash walked me home. He decided to be forward again and just go in for the kill. And this time, wasn't going to have it. After two seconds of that sloppy tongue-ing I pulled away and said, "I'm going to have to teach you a few things. Goodnight." And he looked confused, so I explained to him that I preferred gentle kissing, some attention to the lips, etc. And you know what he said? "Just open your mouth wider, you'll like it." Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is, word for word, what he said. I just turned around and walked into the B&B because that wasn't going to happen. Boys say the oddest things sometimes. Oh, and the guy who said that my hair smelled like a waterfall recently messaged me the following: "Sophi- It was a pity we couldn't meet at the weekend, if you still wanna I still wanna." So smooth. So, so smooth.
Recap of Saturday to follow.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sophi's Second-Ever Hangover.

If Joe wasn't across the ocean I would go whoop his behind...
I went to Farrington's (my new favorite) on Saturday to grab a pint and watch the USA-England match. Good fun. I ended up getting beyond hammered because being a girl alone at a bar leads to men buying you drinks. And the downside of men buying you drinks is just that - men buying you drinks: it is hard to refuse a free drink. So I ended up drinking my ass off with two law students from Chicago who are doing some sort of four-week program in Dublin and a German anesthesiologist! The bartender knows my name, too, even though I've only been there twice! He (Peter) thinks I'm "a total charmer" and when he was on break he took me to the Garage Bar down the street and bought me a drink. A bartender bought me a drink at another bar - I'm livin the life! So we were having a pint and then I realized I didn't have my wallet and I freaked. Peter told me he'd stay at the bar and that I should go back to Farrington's and check to see if it was there, and, by some miracle - it was! The German anesthesiologist found it on the floor! Lucky me!
We finished our drinks and went back to Farrington's where I met two guys who looked pretty melancholy and made some conversation with them. Then I met a bald guy who teaches "special" kids for a living and we all ended up going to some bar/club called Shebeen where I ended up making out with the bald's really been a lifelong dream of mine to make out with a shaved/balding guy. Just kidding. Except not really. I actually had a huge crush on a bald (he actually just shaved his head...but most likely because he was balding) English teacher when I was in high school and this guy looked a lot much like him. Sadly nothing ever happened with the English teacher. I like to think it was because he had a really sexy Korean girlfriend and not because I was underage or something. He brought her to our prom, I was super jealous. I was actually always crushing on teachers in school. But there aren't really any hot professors that I've had in college. Minus a certain Psychology teacher that I sincerely hope Joe will tell you about. It's one of his favorite stories.
So then Shebeen's was closing so Dave (bald guy) and I walked out with our pints, no joke. We accidentally stole pint glasses from a bar. It would have been pretty legendary if I brought that glass back to the US with me, but sadly I have no room whatsoever in my suitcase. It's a rite of passage of sorts - stealing things from public venues, isn't it? Like stealing silverware form the school cafeteria, or something.
Dave told me he was really impressed with my kissing skills because he expected me to be "a crazy, sloppy American kisser," whatever that means. I didn't let him walk me home; I've gotten very good at saying no, here. Being in a foreign country on my own has made me develop a different persona. I'm fearless and independent and funnier. And mentally sexier, basically.
Total drinks for the night: 5 pints, 1 shot (a
Baby Guinness.)
In the morning I legitimately could not get out of bed. I felt so sick. This was my second hangover, ever. The first one happened on Valentine's Day (what luck!) after I had too much "pink drank" at a frat formal. Silly me thought it was vodka diluted with pink lemonade. Turns out it's actually straight vodka with pink lemonade mix. Never again. I legitimately thought I had mono when I woke up. I texted every guy I had hooked up with recently asking if he had mono. Had a good laugh when I figured out it was just a hangover.
But anyways, when I finally got out of bed Sunday afternoon I went into the city to grab some lunch (a super delicious tomato, mozzarella & pesto panini) and all was well.
Needless to say, I love Ireland.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Apparently My Hair Smells Like a Waterfall.

Sophi here – again – due to Joe being excruciatingly busy with making sandwiches and learning about happiness. He actually is really busy, though.
This weekend went by in an exhausting and superbly entertaining blur.
On Friday I was walking around Temple Bar in search of a fun pub to go to, and who do I find? Two guys I go to college with (Chris & Doug) staring at me through the window of Farrington's! Farrington's is a cool pub named after a character in Joyce's The Dubliners, which I coincidentally just bought a copy of (for €3 at a discount bookstore!) 
I had a pint of Bulmer's (known as Magner's in the US) with the guys and then we went to the Temple Bar Pub (right), which was beyond crowded (and too tourist-y), and had another drink.
The next day we went all over the place on a walking tour of Dublin, led by an extremely charming Trinity mechanical engineering student, Niall. This photo is of Niall and me on the boardwalk by the River Liffey. Who would've thought there would be a boardwalk in the center of Dublin?
Niall seemed to really like us, so after the tour was over he took the four of us (me, Chris, Doug, and our new Aussie friend Nick) to a pub called M.J. O'Neill's (near Grafton Street) where I had the most amazing fish and chips that I have every had in my life - extremely tender and light on the breading. Delicious. The key is to go to the back of the pub (it's very big with lots of rooms) to the counter where you can actually see all the food right in front of you and order it on the spot
We left Niall at O'Neill's and went to the Guinness Storehouse. We all had a pint of Guinness (except for me because I'm not man enough to drink a whole pint) at the Gravity Bar at the very top of the building, which provides a pretty boring view of Dublin, actually. Some cities just aren't made for bird's eye view, I suppose. The bartender made a shamrock in the foam of my pint only (below) because I'm special.

Sunday night I went to Farrington's again with a copy of Frank O'Hara's Lunch Poems, and sat there and read, and had a couple pints of Bulmer's. Reading a book at a bar is a surprisingly great conversation starter! One of the bartenders, Graham - a Finance major who has been working at Farrington's for three years (wowza!)- said he never has time to read poetry. So I, like a true advocate for literature, asked him for a piece of paper and a pen, and jotted down Langston Hughes' Desire.
I'm such a romantic, right?
After Farrington's, around midnight, I went to catch the Luas home, but ran into some guys on Grafton Street who invited me to come along to Copper's (Copper Face Jacks), which is notorious for being the seediest club in Dublin. It's apparently the club that everyone goes to after midnight, once everywhere else is closed. But in all honesty, this place is classy compared to any fraternity basement. And we thought the Irish were the heavy drinkers! My coworkers had a laugh when they found out I went to Copper's. One of them, Chris, told me that way back when, some girl pinched his ass at Copper's. I pretended to be outraged, but it's not like I've never done that! :) God, I love it here. I have a huge crush on Chris, actually, even though he's married. He's amazing. I hate having crushes on married men, but it always happens.
I met this guy named Gavin at Copper's and we ended up making out which made me realize how much I hate PDA. But we had virtually the same taste in music, and he was a good kisser, so I let it slide - but just this once! He told me my hair smelled LIKE A WATERFALL. He seriously said that. And then he walked me home at three in the morning all the way to my B&B (nearly a 30-minute walk) even though he lives on the other side of town! 'Twas a good weekend.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Hello from Sophi (without Joe)

Welcome to the ever-so-enticing blog that my dear friend Joe and I decided would be a marvelous idea to create, since we are convinced that our opinions and obscenities (respectively) are interesting enough to capture the attention of and bring entertainment to a considerable chunk of Internet explorers.
The inspiration for its creation came from the very simple fact that everything I say in Joe's presence seems to either cause an eruption of laughter (at me, never with me) or a disproportionate serving of sarcasm.
So, welcome to our blog, Sophi and a Cup of Joe!
First an foremost, a pseudo-proper introduction: I'm Sophi, the source of the mind-numbing verbal diarrhea behind the operation. Joe is the ever-so-clever gray matter (quite literally, actually: he's a Neuroscience and Psychology major.) I'm majoring in Psychology and Creative Writing. We've both successfully (predominantly on Joe's part) finished our first year of college.
I'm currently in the gloriously green and vibrant city of Dublin on a six-week internship with a pretty badass software giant, which explains why I am posting at an odd hour.
I like to write poetry (which mostly ends up being about food or sex, or both.) I was born in Moscow a month before the Soviet Union disbanded (my doing, of course) and moved to the wondrous US of A when I was seven. I'm pretty legit.
I would now like to take a moment to appreciate the fuchsia shirt that one of my handsome (in the traditional way)male coworkers is wearing... I don't know your name (and you definitely don't know mine), but you're the man.
And now that I have used up my coffee break on writing this piece of crap as well as burning my tongue on a latte, it's time for me to get back to work!